My Health & Wellness Journey
I’ve helped people improve and enhance their lives for over 25 years. Trained and credentialed as a Licensed Professional Counselor, health and wellness has long been a passion of mine. More recently, I have pursued training and embraced a coaching model. Credentialed as a Board Certified Coach, as well as a Certified Positive Psychology-Based Health & Well-Being Coach, I partner with clients using a model of positive psychology, appreciative inquiry and motivational interviewing. Research validates these methods to be the most effective means of fostering positive changes in clients as they seek to transform their lives.
Every day new research illuminates the connection between optimal functioning and health and wellness. Basic pillars of health and wellness have been identified. We can take steps to improve our health and wellbeing in each of these areas -- physical, nutritional, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual, financial, vocational and environmental. These dimensions of well-being are interdependent -- when one dimension is out of balance it affects the others.
Despite the tremendous increase in knowledge, multiple challenges continue to plague us and affect every aspect of our being. These challenges can be in any of the areas of health and wellbeing listed above. How many of you have tried and failed to implement a healthier lifestyle for yourself? And tried and failed and tried and failed in a seemingly never ending cycle? I've certainly been caught in that cycle. I've been caught in the diet trap, the exercise trap, the financial trap just to name three! Only by learning to love and accept myself no matter where I am on my health and wellness journey and by giving myself permission to dream of my ideal life, did I start to implement the small progressive changes that have brought me to where I am today. It's not always been an easy journey and I've been discouraged at times. My life is far from perfect, but it's a life that I designed with conscious effort. Every day brings new challenges and adventures. Keeping my ideal life always in mind, I am motivated to live well today, making every yesterday a memory of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. As the ancient sanskrit proverb advises -- look well, therefore, to this day!
I facilitate self-growth in my clients by helping them identify their deepest desires and the core challenges in their lives. If you choose to work with me, I will partner with you and challenge you to move forward with confidence as you create a life of health and wellness for yourself. I'd love to hear about your journey. Get in touch for a confidential, virtual, free consultation, no strings attached!